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The Season of Giving: Help Me Help You Help Others (and You!)

Writer's picture: Caitlin HawekotteCaitlin Hawekotte

Updated: Jan 9, 2019

One in 1,000. Those are the approximate odds of a baby having clubfoot. As we found out in the delivery room, our son was the one.

Over the last two-and-a-half months, we have learned more about clubfoot and its treatment than I ever would have imagined. We’ve even learned about friends and family members who have also been affected by it—and yet we never knew before!

Luckily, we have been surrounded with lots of love and support, as well as a fantastic doctor and team, which has made this clubfoot journey as smooth as possible so far. Kieran has done very well with adjusting to his casts and boots-and-bar, and we’re feeling very hopeful about his outlook. Granted, he still has several years ahead of him before he can officially say goodbye to his “super boots,” as we learned they are often called.

Thinking about this obstacle that Kieran has been facing since day one has caused me to reflect on the obstacles I face as well. In fact, it’s made me think about the obstacles we all face—some physical, some mental, some emotional, some financial, and so on.

In light of that, Kyle and I started thinking it would be fitting to enter a local Spartan Sprint (a 3- to 5-mile race with approximately 15 obstacles) in order to draw awareness to clubfoot and raise some money to help other families get treatment for their children.

Soon, we started sharing this goal with friends and family, and many of them expressed interest in joining Kyle and me in this challenge. Within a few days, I had reserved and paid for our spots. It didn’t take long before I was brainstorming ideas for our T-shirts and named our team “Kieran’s Club” in a feeble attempt to be clever. (Below is some photos of us on the first day of our workout routine!)

The last piece of the puzzle was figuring out where to donate the money we raise. I reached out to clubfoot groups and my doctor to ask for suggestions, and my doctor introduced me to a family whose seven-year-old son needs corrective surgery for clubfoot. The surgery would take place in St. Louis and would not be covered by insurance, so they have been trying to raise the money to get him there. As soon as I read Jakob’s story, I knew he was the perfect person for us to support.

If you’ve read this far, you may be wondering, “How can I help?” Well I’m so glad you asked!

There are a number of options if you would like to help join us in changing the course of Jakob’s life!


Read Jakob’s story and donate here:

No amount is too small, and every dollar counts! (Also feel free to share the link for others to donate as well!)

2. SPECTATE (A.K.A. Cheer us on!)

For $20, you can come watch and cheer us on at the Spartan Sprint! I will likely make a complete fool of myself and will almost definitely cry at some point, so it will be entertaining at the very least.

Buy your tickets here by selecting the Sunday Spectator option:


If you’re interested in joining Kieran’s Club by entering the Spartan Sprint, you can sign up here!:

The cost is approximately $155 per person, though you can sometimes find codes online to save a percentage of the cost.

When: Sunday, January 27th, 2019 (choose the Morning group, with a 9:45 a.m. start time if it is still available)

Where: Prado Regional Park, 16700 Euclid Avenue, Chino, CA 91708

When you sign up, choose to join Kieran’s Club.

4. SHARE (and maybe WIN!)

In the world of social media today, we can often feel that everyone else’s lives are perfect and that we’re somehow the only unlucky ones to face certain obstacles. So, if you feel so inclined and would like to win a FREE CliftonStrengths assessment and one-hour review session (usually a $120 value!) with me (a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach), then help me reassure others they are not alone by simply following these steps:

  1. Share the link (on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram) to Jakob’s GoFundMe page:

  2. In your caption, use the hashtag #KieransClub

  3. Optional: Mention a positive thing you do to help you overcome obstacles you face in your life at times (i.e. go to therapy, journal, watch a favorite show, browse Pinterest for uplifting quotes, read poetry, exercise, meditate, spend time with your best friend, etc.)

On December 15th, I will randomly choose and announce a winner among those who share the link and utilize the hashtag. Then the winner (hopefully you!) and I will get to discuss their strengths and how they can apply them in their life!

If you’re not quite sure what to write, feel free to steal the format of these examples below!


Example 1:

My friends’ son has clubfoot, so they are completing a Spartan Sprint race in order to bring awareness to his obstacle and raise money for others with the same condition. They are hoping to raise enough money for a young Orange County boy who needs corrective surgery for clubfoot. If you’re looking to donate to a cause this holiday season, please consider helping Jakob!

[As part of this event, my friends also ask that we share about how we work to overcome our own obstacles so we can all know we are not alone! For me, whenever I’m having a tough time, it really helps me to take a long bath at the end of the day and read my favorite magazine! #KieransClub]

Example 2:

My friend’s son has clubfoot, so she and her husband and a team of family and friends are completing a Spartan Sprint race in order to bring awareness to his obstacle and raise money for others with the same condition.

They are hoping to raise enough money for a young Orange County boy who needs corrective surgery for clubfoot. If you’re looking to donate to a cause this holiday season, please consider helping Jakob! #KieransClub


Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


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